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Retest/Redo Policy

Retest/Redo Policy

Retest/Redo Policy

Our goal at Hopper Middle School is to help students reach the highest level of mastery possible. In accordance with state and local guidelines, students at Hopper Middle School are permitted to retest/redo according to the following guidelines:

  • A student should have one opportunity each grading period in each course to retake a test (Summative Assessment) for which he/she earned a failing grade (a grade below 70).
  • The highest grade a student can earn on a test retake will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.
  • Prior to retesting, the student will participate in an intervening action (tutorial attendance, study group, test correction, etc.).
  • A student should have at least one opportunity each grading period in each course to redo a Relevant Application for which he/she earned a failing grade (a grade below 70). 
  • The highest grade a student can earn on a redone relevant assessment will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.
  • Teachers should allow students to redo at least one daily grade or class assignment (Checking for Understanding) for which the student received a failing grade.
  • The highest grade a student can earn on a redone assignment will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade. 
  • Teachers may work with students through re-teaching opportunities in order to allow students to demonstrate mastery of the TEKS.
  • DPMs or Benchmarks are not included in the retest/redo opportunities.
  • Assignments completed during the final week of the grading period are not eligible for redo/retest