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News & Announcements

Student Holidays - Nov. 4 Professional Day & Nov. 5 - Teacher Work Day

Reminder: Monday, Nov. 4-5 is a professional/teacher work day and student holiday.

CFISD Health Expo

The CFISD Health Expo, underwritten by Memorial Hermann Cypress, is a partnership between Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District and the Chamber. It is a community event welcoming approximately 2,500 in attendance. Open to the public!

ESL Classes for parents

Parents with children enrolled in bilingual or ESL classes at CFISD schools who want to learn English are invited to enroll in district-offered ESL classes for parents. The free classes are offered for three levels of English proficiency: Introduction, Beginner or Intermediate. Registration will take place at the school cafeterias on the first day of class.